Thursday, July 9, 2015

Happy Birthday Proton and its Chairman, plus a few idle thoughts...

I see in the Malaysian press that the Prime minister has congratulated Proton on its 30 year birthday. The Company (Proton) Chairman has his 90th birthday tomorrow (Friday 10 July 2015).
Presently, the Proton chairman and the present Malaysian PM are at loggerheads, and making lots of headlines in their very open spat.
I am hoping the issue can be resolved soon. Rather selfishly, I'd like the Chairman to put some of his energy into getting my project approved, and possibly help with funding!
I nearly always put a picture with my posts...
So I thought I'd add my ECDL cert...(no relevance to the post).
Just a couple of idle thoughts to finish.
Lotus F1 team are having financial problems. Rumours are that it is for sale.
 It would be a lovely fit with my educational proposal.
I also saw on facebook a link to an old article saying the Nurburgring was for sale.
Again this circuit would work with project!

As I said, just a couple of idle thoughts!

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