It was pointed out to me that they had designed the media centre so that any internet configurations could be retro fitted. False flooring allows one to lay cables with ease. this was in 2002.
On Sunday, I read the Times. It had two aricles, which I found interesting.
The first was about a rapid prototype company which allows you to access designs and make mods. Send them back to them. They then produce the article for you.
Second, I read an article on whether iphones will now replace guidebooks for travellers! Download apps, and you have the info you require!
Both these articles highlight the way technology has enhance the virtual learning/information experience.
I'm sure this technology has many applications. Students can do design from home. Lessons can be downloaded virtually. People can pimp their ride from predesigned parts, modified to their specifications.
The last seven years has seen technology catch up with my initial vision. The possibilties seem endless!
Below are the links to the articles.
Interiors: Design your own homeware online
iPhone versus travel guidebooks

Lotus have not yet appointed a group CEO. I am hoping that he/she will view this project favourably!
I have seen CEO's come and go. None have actually moved forward on the proposal, which I find a little sad.
Proton and Petronas have Motorsport and educational budgets. Malaysian politicians continually talk of making Malaysia an educational hub for the region.
Talking is all well and good. I feel it is time for action.
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