As well as the New Proton and Lotus business plan from DRB-Hicom.
It amazes me that a project with so much potential is taking so long to materialise!
Never mind!
Its written in the stars!
Yes! According to my Astrolgy friend Linda, success is just around the corner!
Linda has a radio show in America. She is an Astrologer.

She did however say the Motorsport project would be a success. She felt that the California campus would be the first to start.
Intuitively, I knew that this would be a great success as soon as I proposed it to Group Lotus years ago.
Sadly, my vision was not shared by my immediate bosses.
Today, is supposedly the biggest online buying day of the year. Please go to Amazon and buy the book. All royalty payments go to charity. The physical book is much better than the download IMO.
I am having guests over from Malaysia for Christmas. I'm enjoying making out an itinerary. If it doesn't snow, I'm hoping to take them to Bath and Stonehenge directly from Heathrow airport.
Then a couple of days in London. A trip to Portobello Market, followed by a Carol concert in the Royal Albert Hall.
Next day a trip to Chelsea FC for a quick Tour.
After that maybe some shopping.
Later in the month I'm off to my friend Tilo's wedding reception in Germany. Tilo helped me with the book graphics and cover, his dad Claus did the art work.
I read today that a Singaporean Peter Lim is going to build a new circuit in Johor, in partnership with the Malaysian Investment arm Khazanah.
Peter Lim is apparently a shareholder in McLaren.
He is a billionaire, and a Motorsport fan.
He could and should adopt my plan.
This will absolutely kill off Johor's other circuit. Pasir Gudang. This circuit is in my plans. It could converted to a great Motorsport University. Then it would survive and prosper.
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